The Four Essentials of Conflict Resolution Worksheets

About The Four Essentials of Conflict Resolution Worksheets

This worksheet package contains all the exercises found in The Four Essentials of Conflict Resolution, except that they’re printable on 8 1/2 x 11” paper, which is a lot easier to write on, make notes on, and share.


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What are the benefits of doing these exercises?

When in conflict, things can often feel very scattered and chaotic. These exercises will not only help you consolidate the ideas, suggestions, and tips in my book, but will also help you collect and organize your thoughts and feelings about what is going on and help put it all in perspective.

Doing these exercises will also help you find the right words with which to navigate the resolution of your conflict. Always remember that conflict resolution is a two-way street – so communication is key. The best place to start in conflict resolution is with clarity, and clarity needs communication, and communication needs the right words. All the worksheets in this package will help you with that.

As I say early on in the book, I wrote it to help you get the most out of your relationships with those who matter the most to you in your life. And, like the book, which you can read on your own or together with someone you care about, these worksheets can be completed by yourself or with the person with whom you’re having the conflict, or with the help of a trusted friend who isn’t involved, or even with a professional.

It is my deepest hope that what you’ll learn in my book as well as through these exercises will at least in some small way not only help reduce the number of conflicts in your life and help you resolve them when they do arise, but that it will also help you help those who matter the most in your life resolve and prevent theirs.

-Dr. Adam Lodzinski, Author of The Four Essentials of Conflict Resolution